Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Google Panda

Google Panda is a change to Google's search results ranking algorithm that was first released in February 2011. The change aimed to lower the rank of "low-quality sites" or "thin sites", and return higher-quality sites near the top of the search results. CNET reported a surge in the rankings of news websites and social networking sites, and a drop in rankings for sites containing large amounts of advertising. This change reportedly affected the rankings of almost 12 percent of all search results. Soon after the Panda rollout, many websites, including Google's webmaster forum, became filled with complaints of scrapers/copyright infringers getting better rankings than sites with original content. At one point, Google publicly asked for data points to help detect scrapers better. Google's Panda has received several updates since the original rollout in February 2011, and the effect went global in April 2011. To help affected publishers, Google published an advisory on its blog,thus giving some direction for self-evaluation of a website's quality. Google has provided a list of 23 bullet points on its blog answering the question of "What counts as a high-quality site?" that is supposed to help webmasters "step into Google's mindset"

The Panda process

Google Panda was built through an algorithm update that used artificial intelligence in a more sophisticated and scalable way than previously possible. Human quality testers rated thousands of websites based on measures of quality, including design, trustworthiness, speed and whether or not they would return to the website. Google's new Panda machine-learning algorithm was then used to look for similarities between websites people found to be high quality and low quality.

Many new ranking factors have been introduced to the Google algorithm as a result, while older ranking factors like PageRank have been downgraded in importance. Google Panda is updated from time to time and the algorithm is run by Google on a regular basis. On April 24, 2012 the Google Penguin update was released, which affected a further 3.1% of all English language search queries, highlighting the ongoing volatility of search rankings.

On September 18, 2012, a Panda update was confirmed by the company in its official Twitter page, where it announced, “Panda refresh is rolling out—expect some flux over the next few days. Fewer than 0.7% of queries noticeably affected"Another Panda update began rolling out on January 22, 2013, affecting about 1.2% of English queries.

Significant differences between Panda and previous algorithms

Google Panda affects the ranking of an entire site or a specific section rather than just the individual pages on a site.In March 2012, Google updated Panda and stated that they are deploying an "over-optimization penalty," in order to level the playing field.

Panda recovery

Google says it only takes a few poor quality, or duplicate content, pages to hold down traffic on an otherwise solid site. Google recommends either removing those pages, blocking them from being indexed by Google, or re-writing them.However, Matt Cutts, head of webspam at Google, warns that re-writing duplicate content so that it is original may not be enough to recover from Panda—the re-writes must be of sufficient high quality. High quality content brings "additional value" to the web. Content that is general, non-specific, and not substantially different from what is already out there should not be expected to rank well: "Those other sites are not bringing additional value. While they’re not duplicates they bring nothing new to the table.". For More Information Visit:http://www.idigilearn.com/
Google Has Released the Next Generation Penguin 2.0

Google has launched the updated version of Penguin 1.0 that is Penguin 2.0 on 22 May, 2013. It contains more advanced and enhanced functionalities than the last version. Google has developed this technology to address complains of various site owners and SEO professionals about the webspam.

Penguin is a technique to identify quality links from the spam links at Google search engine. It is designed and developed to identify spam sites that follow unethical techniques to optimize search engine results. Google has set this technology on top of the core algorithm.

Matt Cutts, Google’s head of web spam has announced on Twitter that they will release the updated version of Penguin in this year, possible in next few weeks. They launched the first version of Penguin on April 24, 2012 named Penguin 1 which followed by 2 Algorithm refreshment. The recently introduced version named with Penguin 2.0 on 22nd May, 2013.

Webmasters and SEO industry are expecting a huge up-gradation in features and functionalities of this technique that help in decreasing the spam on Google search engine. Penguin 2.0 is the extension of its original version. It hits domains with untrusted links and unnatural link profiles that include link farms, exact match anchor text, paid links, and so on. This technique is applied on other languages word wide along with the English.

To avoid the harm of Penguin 2.0 you can
•   Avoid use of untrusted links or think link building
•   Don’t taking part in link schemes
•   Divert your links and keep different anchor text
•   Moderate links
•   Follow webmaster guidelines
•   Stop buying cheap and spam links
•   Avoid using low quality link building tactics
•   Avoid keyword stuffing and hidden text and links
•   Focus on human engagement and audience with scalable content

It creates negative effects on low quality links and positive effects on trusted links. If you have spent time in practicing ethical SEO and white hat link building, then you can come out safely from this storm. But if your website contains unnatural links with hyper keyword stuffing then Penguin 2.0 will crack your various SEO activities. The technology have capacity to remove spam websites from search engine ranking that have artificial link building, over-optimization, black hat SEO, and other unauthentic SEO techniques.

Penguin 2.0 also affects the link selling/buying network that seems mainly designed to generate unnatural links. It is considered as the most aggressive punishing technology for those websites that works with all unethical SEO activities. This, Google Penguin 2.0 only entertains natural SEO activities for website rank optimization on Google search engine.

Rndinfo: The leading offshore outsourcing IT Company specializes in online reputation management and multi-channel local search marketing strategies to a wide range of companies across the country. To know more visit:http://www.idigilearn.com/

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Project Management Training

Project Management Training

Project Management is common to all sectors information technology, engineering, and management. Developing software is a project as much as designing an automobile component. CADD Centre courses impart training in the Project management Body of Knowledge (which are standards or best practices), compiled by Project Management Institute (PMI), world’s premier professional association of project managers. 

We teach software tools that are used to initiate, plan, execute, monitor & control, and complete a project within the estimates of schedule, budget, and resources. The courses explain the industry standard concepts of project management and provide hands on experience in handing powerful project management tools. After obtaining the training, students can apply for job positions: Planning Engineer, Scheduler, Cost Estimator, Project Co-ordinator, Project Manager, Portfolio Manager.

At the end of this course, you will have the essential knowledge of the fundamental concepts of Project Management. You will learn the definition of project management, identify the distinguishing characteristics of a project, employ commonly used techniques for selecting projects from a list of candidate projects, determine how the PMI's knowledge areas can be used to improve project performance, name the key stakeholders in a project and determine ways of keeping them "on task" during the phases of the project, effectively use the components of a Project Charter, write SMART project objectives that will help define the project's scope, document and clearly communicate project assumptions, develop a procedure for managing changes in the project once it's under way, create a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), estimate activity duration, understand the "Triple Constraint" in project management and how each one affects the other, calculate the critical path for a project and develop a strategy for keeping the project on track, identify, quantify, and prioritize risks in managing projects, create a communications plan for reporting project progress and issues, use tools to measure project progress in terms of time, cost and deliverable  develop a strategy for managing project resources by using a responsibility matrix (RACI) for assigning project activities to resources, and capture valuable lessons learned and use them to define and improve project management practices for future projects.

Advance EXCEL Training

Advance EXCEL Training


To empower you with ultimate Excel Skills that are required to transform you into an Excel Guru

This Excel 2010 advanced training course, follows up from the Beginners Excel 2010 course by delving even deeper into the features and functions of this powerful spreadsheet software.

Microsoft Excel 2010 is much more than a quick way to add up numbers. In this online course, you will learn advanced features such as nesting IF statements, how to calculate the Mean of a group of numbers using AVERAGEIF, SUMIF and more. You will learn about performing lookups with HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP. This tutorial also covers Sparklines, and goes in-depth with Pivot Tables and Charts. Finally, you will learn how to create and record your own Macros.

This advanced video course is not for beginners. You should have a firm grasp of the basics before taking this Advanced Excel training course. By the conclusion of this advanced computer software tutorial for Microsoft Excel 2010, you will have mastered the advanced features and functions of this software.

iphone applications development

iPhone Applications Development Course

I know A LOT of people who would PROFIT from this right away through:

They already have design clients, but could do iOS dev also.
Have jobs and this would greatly improve their skill set.
Go around guerrilla-style to businesses and create quick apps for them.
Also don’t worry about having questions... this class is taught by Experts who will personally answer all your questions.

If you can benefit from learning to build out iPhone and iPad apps

P.S. In case you’re still wondering if this course is for you:
It’s for anyone who’s never developed an iPhone Development app before but who wants to learn. This will be a step by step beginners course for people who are just starting off.

Includes these chapters and more:

Xcode 4.0
Adding Icons & Launch Images
Creating Full Screen Landscape Apps
Creating Image Based Buttons
Creating Sound & Adding Multiple Audio Files
Image-Based Animation
Animating Objects

About the Course

In this series of tutorials on iOS app development, I will take the user through the basics of setting up their development environment and creating their first basic iOS application. This includes a general understanding of all sections of the iOS SDK. By the end of this course you’ll learn how to make iPhone Applications and iPad Application apps.

We will be creating applications for the iPhone and iPad using iOS 5.1. We will also be looking at Storyboards and many of the new features within iOS 5 such as Twitter integration and notification centre.

This course will cover multiple application builds including the basic 'hello world' application, interaction with web services and other features such as Core Data, Location Services and NSUserDefaults.

We will also cover the differences between iPhone and iPad development. You will learn to adapt to and take advantage of the different screen sizes and how to maximise the opportunity of the larger iPad display.


This course requires an Apple Macintosh Computer that has Mac OS X Lion installed.

You will need to have Xcode 4 and the iOS 5 SDK (This will be covered at the beginning)