Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Google Has Released the Next Generation Penguin 2.0

Google has launched the updated version of Penguin 1.0 that is Penguin 2.0 on 22 May, 2013. It contains more advanced and enhanced functionalities than the last version. Google has developed this technology to address complains of various site owners and SEO professionals about the webspam.

Penguin is a technique to identify quality links from the spam links at Google search engine. It is designed and developed to identify spam sites that follow unethical techniques to optimize search engine results. Google has set this technology on top of the core algorithm.

Matt Cutts, Google’s head of web spam has announced on Twitter that they will release the updated version of Penguin in this year, possible in next few weeks. They launched the first version of Penguin on April 24, 2012 named Penguin 1 which followed by 2 Algorithm refreshment. The recently introduced version named with Penguin 2.0 on 22nd May, 2013.

Webmasters and SEO industry are expecting a huge up-gradation in features and functionalities of this technique that help in decreasing the spam on Google search engine. Penguin 2.0 is the extension of its original version. It hits domains with untrusted links and unnatural link profiles that include link farms, exact match anchor text, paid links, and so on. This technique is applied on other languages word wide along with the English.

To avoid the harm of Penguin 2.0 you can
•   Avoid use of untrusted links or think link building
•   Don’t taking part in link schemes
•   Divert your links and keep different anchor text
•   Moderate links
•   Follow webmaster guidelines
•   Stop buying cheap and spam links
•   Avoid using low quality link building tactics
•   Avoid keyword stuffing and hidden text and links
•   Focus on human engagement and audience with scalable content

It creates negative effects on low quality links and positive effects on trusted links. If you have spent time in practicing ethical SEO and white hat link building, then you can come out safely from this storm. But if your website contains unnatural links with hyper keyword stuffing then Penguin 2.0 will crack your various SEO activities. The technology have capacity to remove spam websites from search engine ranking that have artificial link building, over-optimization, black hat SEO, and other unauthentic SEO techniques.

Penguin 2.0 also affects the link selling/buying network that seems mainly designed to generate unnatural links. It is considered as the most aggressive punishing technology for those websites that works with all unethical SEO activities. This, Google Penguin 2.0 only entertains natural SEO activities for website rank optimization on Google search engine.

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