Wednesday, May 29, 2013

iphone applications development

iPhone Applications Development Course

I know A LOT of people who would PROFIT from this right away through:

They already have design clients, but could do iOS dev also.
Have jobs and this would greatly improve their skill set.
Go around guerrilla-style to businesses and create quick apps for them.
Also don’t worry about having questions... this class is taught by Experts who will personally answer all your questions.

If you can benefit from learning to build out iPhone and iPad apps

P.S. In case you’re still wondering if this course is for you:
It’s for anyone who’s never developed an iPhone Development app before but who wants to learn. This will be a step by step beginners course for people who are just starting off.

Includes these chapters and more:

Xcode 4.0
Adding Icons & Launch Images
Creating Full Screen Landscape Apps
Creating Image Based Buttons
Creating Sound & Adding Multiple Audio Files
Image-Based Animation
Animating Objects

About the Course

In this series of tutorials on iOS app development, I will take the user through the basics of setting up their development environment and creating their first basic iOS application. This includes a general understanding of all sections of the iOS SDK. By the end of this course you’ll learn how to make iPhone Applications and iPad Application apps.

We will be creating applications for the iPhone and iPad using iOS 5.1. We will also be looking at Storyboards and many of the new features within iOS 5 such as Twitter integration and notification centre.

This course will cover multiple application builds including the basic 'hello world' application, interaction with web services and other features such as Core Data, Location Services and NSUserDefaults.

We will also cover the differences between iPhone and iPad development. You will learn to adapt to and take advantage of the different screen sizes and how to maximise the opportunity of the larger iPad display.


This course requires an Apple Macintosh Computer that has Mac OS X Lion installed.

You will need to have Xcode 4 and the iOS 5 SDK (This will be covered at the beginning)

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